Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Word From Brad

We're on the move again this Sunday as we're halfway through the renovation project. Our preschoolers return to the Children's Building this weekend! Our children vacate the basement of the Administration Building and Sanctuary in phase two of the renovation. It's exciting to see the project on time and on budget! As you walk back into the Children's Building, you'll notice a huge difference. The area is brighter, smells new and has wonderful restrooms, new cabinetry and new flooring. Please note that as we occupy the Children's Building this weekend, we are still in the process of completing updates. In other words, it's not quite finished yet. There are still a number of decorative touches to complete. Our official grand opening and dedication won't take place until the first weekend in June. So, enjoy the newly updated space knowing there's more to come. Can't wait for Sunday! I think you're going to like what you see.